Celebrating Cultura: Meet the Voices Behind the Restaurants

Get to know the inspiring voices behind Latin Restaurant Weeks participants across the country!

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we delved into the vibrant world of Hispanic cuisine by interviewing inspiring restaurant owners who bring the rich sabores and traditions of their culturas to life. Their unique perspectives unveil a tapestry of herencia cultural, culinary pasión, and the profound inspiraciones behind their gastronomic journeys, offering us not just a taste of their exquisite platos, but also a glimpse into the sabiduría that fuels their success and orgullo in their heritage.

Through their stories, we explore how they honor their raíces and contribute to the diverse culinary paisaje, making each meal a celebration of historia, familia, and identidad. Let’s get to know them!

Comfort Foodies in Houston

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Elsa Matthews’ Comfort Foodies in Houston beautifully blends her Afro-Dominican heritage with Southern comfort food, creating a unique and flavorful culinary experience. She is committed to using quality ingredients and innovative recipes.

How does the food from your culture hold special significance to you?
“The Dominican Republic holds a special significance to me because it’s where my roots and cultural identity begin. Growing up with Dominican traditions, food, and values has shaped not only my personal life but also my professional journey as a restaurateur. My passion for cooking comes from the memories of sharing meals with my family and the unique flavors of Dominican cuisine. It’s what inspired me to bring Dominican Soul food fusion to my restaurant here in Houston. Through my cooking, I honor my heritage and share a piece of my culture with the community.”

What’s a dish from your culture that you think everyone should try at least once?
“My favorite childhood dish is Pollo Guisado, with rice and beans and a side of platanos maduros. I tell everyone they must try it when they visit the restaurant. It’s a dish that will transport you straight to the Dominican Republic!”

What’s a must-try restaurant in your city, and why?
“I have two top favorites: Cafe Piquet for authentic Cuban cuisine, and for those with a sweet tooth, Sweets by Belen is a must-try!”

Who or what inspires you most in your professional or culinary journey?
“The people who inspire me most in my culinary journey are the trailblazing women who came before me, especially those who paved the way in male-dominated kitchens. Women like my mother migrated to a country with a different language and culture to give their children a better life. Through her, I learned the fundamentals of Dominican cuisine and the love of cooking .”

What one piece of advice would you give to other restaurant or small business owners?
“Embrace adaptability. The food industry, like any business, is full of challenges—from fluctuating economies to changing customer preferences. The ability to pivot, innovate, and stay resilient is crucial. It’s also important to stay true to your vision and values because that authenticity is what connects you with your customers. Keep evolving, but never lose sight of why you started and what makes your business unique.”

Claudy’s Kitchen in New York City

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Richard Berroa’s Claudy’s Kitchen, a Michelin-rated restaurant, is celebrated as the best Hispanic-owned Peruvian restaurant in the Bronx, offering the finest Peruvian food crafted with fresh, natural ingredients.

How does the food from your culture hold special significance to you?
“Our food links us to our familia, our memories of special occasions all revolve around the food our abuelas, tias, and moms made; food is central to our culture and identity as Peruvians.”

What’s a dish from your culture that you think everyone should try at least once?
“Ceviche de Pescado. It’s a dish that is more alchemy and art than cooking fish, lime, and salt, but the way it is mixed is what’s important, and the magic of the Chef is what gives the plate its flavor.”

Who or what inspires you most in your professional or culinary journey?
“My family, without a doubt, everything that we do is for the betterment of our family.”

What one piece of advice would you give to other restaurant or small business owners?
Work hard, give the best that you can. There are no shortcuts, and recognition will come!

CAO Bakery in Miami

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Yvette Cao’s CAO Bakery is a testament to her Cuban-American heritage and a hallmark bakery in Miami. It captures the essence of tradition and celebrates the rich heritage of Hispanic culinary arts with freshly baked goods.

How does the food from your culture hold special significance to you?
“In Cuban American culture, food holds deep significance, serving as a vital connection to heritage and identity. Traditional baked goods like Cuban bread, Cuban coffee, pastelitos, and Cuban desserts evoke memories of family gatherings and celebrations. Meals often represent a sense of nostalgia, reflecting the struggles and resilience of the Cuban community. Food also plays a role in cultural preservation, with recipes passed down through generations, helping maintain ties to Cuban roots despite living in a different country. Sharing meals is a way to foster community and build relationships, highlighting the importance of hospitality and togetherness in Cuban American life. Overall, food serves as a powerful expression of love, memory, and cultural pride.”

What’s a must-try restaurant in your city, and why?
Miami boasts an incredible array of amazing restaurants, but one of my local favorites is Bellini in Coconut Grove. As soon as you step inside, you’re transported to the Italian coast, with waiters in crisp white coats and an inviting atmosphere. The food is nothing short of spectacular, and my personal favorite is the gnocchi—it simply melts in your mouth.

Who or what inspires you most in your professional or culinary journey?
My mom is my greatest inspiration in my daily work life. She instilled in me the importance of enjoying what you do and the belief that hard work truly pays off. She also showed me how to strike a balance between work and family. Her professionalism was complemented by her warmth and approachability, always ready to lend a helping hand to others.

What one piece of advice would you give to other restaurant or small business owners?
“Focus on what you’re good at and what you enjoy, and find people to handle the tasks you don’t like. Also, remember to never put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today.”

EmpanadUS in Chicago

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Kevin Schamber’s Empanadus in Riverside, IL, offers a taste of Argentina with its artisanal empanadas, crafted from the finest ingredients. Celebrating Argentine culinary traditions, Empanadus provides a diverse selection of empanadas that deliver a delightful and flavorful experience.

How does the food from your culture hold special significance to you?
“Los gnocchis del 29 de cada mes, las milanesas con puré, los viernes de pizza y empanadas, los asados domingueros en familia. La comida es siempre ocasión de encuentro, de charla, de alegría, ya sea con amigos o en familia. Son recuerdos hermosos con los que crecimos y que hoy en día anhelamos. A quien no le gusta la buena comida?! Para mí es algo especial, mi ‘love language’ y que mejor manera que compartir la comida de uno con sus seres queridos!”

What’s a dish from your culture that you think everyone should try at least once?
“Un buen asado! Me encanta cocinar con leña. El asado argentino es más que una comida, es un ritual de varias horas. Familia, amigos, el perro dando vueltas y olfateando lo que se viene. Se prende el fuego desde temprano, se arma una picada, va llegando la gente y van saliendo las primeras cosas de la parrilla. Entre risas, carcajadas, tragos, achuras, se va cociendo a la perfección la diva, la estrella del encuentro: el costillar! Un asado siempre se comparte con los seres queridos y mas que un plato, es una experiencia que todos deberían probar por lo menos una vez en la vida.”

Who or what inspires you most in your professional or culinary journey?
De todo un poco! encuentro inspiración en chefs, en recetas, en compañías…es que cuando uno es un apasionado de la cocina y del buen comer, uno observa, mira, y siempre está al pendiente con un ojo critico y un paladar impaciente! Francis Mallmann, un chef argentino que es reconocido por su trabajo con fuegos, me ha inspirado mucho por su relación con la comida, la naturaleza, y la gente.

What one piece of advice would you give to other restaurant or small business owners?
“Están a punto de entablar una relación con su negocio. Así como las amorosas, requiere paciencia, requiere mucha atención…van a surgir inconvenientes, habrá problemas, pero con el pasar del tiempo uno aprende a tener una cabeza fría y solucionarlos. Le aconsejaría a alguien que esta recién comenzando que sea fiel a su identidad, que desarrollen un buen concepto de negocio, se rodeen de un buen equipo y no intenten hacer todo uno mismo!”

Arepa Zone in Virginia

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Gabriela Febres is renowned for bringing authentic Venezuelan flavors to Fairfax, VA. Her vision has successfully introduced vibrant Venezuelan cuisine, notably arepas, to the local dining scene.

How does the food from your culture hold special significance to you?
“For me, the food from my culture represents a deep connection to my heritage and family. Each dish carries memories of home, and traditions passed down through generations, and the warmth of gathering around the table with loved ones. It’s a way to stay connected to my roots, no matter where I am, and share a piece of my identity with others. Food isn’t just nourishment; it’s a celebration of culture, history, and the stories that shaped who we are.”

What’s a must-try restaurant in your city, and why?
Miami boasts an incredible array of amazing restaurants, but one of my local favorites is Bellini in Coconut Grove. As soon as you step inside, you’re transported to the Italian coast, with waiters in crisp white coats and an inviting atmosphere. The food is nothing short of spectacular, and my personal favorite is the gnocchi—it simply melts in your mouth.

Who or what inspires you most in your professional or culinary journey?
“Definitely, arepas. They are the heart of Venezuelan cuisine: versatile, delicious, and full of history. You can fill them with anything, from shredded beef to fresh cheese, making them perfect for every palate. Plus, each bite connects you to our roots and our way of sharing. It’s a dish everyone should try at least once!

Thank you for exploring the diverse culinary journeys with us and honoring la cultura latina.

As we conclude our journey through the vibrant world of Latin Restaurant Weeks, we hope you’ve been inspired by the diverse stories and rich culinary traditions shared by these passionate restaurateurs. Their dedication to preserving and innovating their cultural heritage through food is a testament to the powerful role cuisine plays in connecting us all. Whether you’re savoring these dishes at a local restaurant or trying your hand at creating them at home, remember that every bite is a celebration of culture, community, and creativity. Thank you for joining us in honoring these incredible voices and flavors. Until next time, buen provecho!

Aymara Lucero
Author: Aymara Lucero

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